Webcast της ΑΟΝ για τις βιώσιμες επιχειρήσεις με τη συμμετοχή της Ασφάλισης

Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2020, 17:00 – 19:00

Εξέχοντα στελέχη του ασφαλιστικού κλάδου-και όχι μόνο- θα συμμετάσχουν στο νέο webcast της ΑΟΝ με θέμα “Lead through disruption: Modeling a sustainable organization”.


Κεντρικός Ομιλητής

Jason Disborough, Chief Executive Officer, AON Multinational Accounts (International)

“Decision Making in Complex & Volatile Times: keys to managing COVID-19”

Ερωτήσεις – Απαντήσεις

(Ομιλητές σε αλφαβητική σειρά)

Session I 

Strategy Insights- CEO’s challenges to design and develop a detailed relaunch map

  • Μαρία Λαζαρίμου,  Strategic Communications Consultant at Viohalco, Communications Director, Hellenic Production – Industry Roundtable for Growth
  • Κάρολος Σαίας, CEO Interasco SA “Crisis management in the insurance sector-The case of Interasco”
  • Νίκη Σμυρνή, Head of Brand Strategy Chipita “Think with your heart, Do with your mind Now”
  • Ιωάννης Βασιλάτος, General Manager – Digital Transformation Officer  Eurolife ERB FFH “Navigating at times when North is not where the compass points”

Session II

Design and Implement a new Business Continuity Strategy

  • Ιωάννης Ασπιρτάκης, General Manager Ergo Prolipsis “New business models for a post COVID-19 world in manufacturing”  
  • Ρένα Μπαρδάνη, Chair of the Board, The Social Partners’ Institute on Occupational Health and Safety (ΕΛΙΝΥΑΕ)
  • Μάνος Γερακίνης, Fine Luxurier- Founder at Manos Gerakinis Parfums “Will fashion survive?  Past -Future – forward trends”  
  • Δρ Ανδρέας Κουτούπης CMIIA, CIA, CICA, CCS, CRMA, CCSA – AON Team Member, Governance, Risk, Compliance & Internal audit Services Expert  “Re-design your audit plan, embedding emerging Key Risk Indicators”
  • Μίνος Μωυσής Founding Partner at SYNERGON Partners “Key findings Presentation of Survey on post pandemic trends” 
  • Γιώργος Παναγιωτίδης, Export Manager –  The Caribbean Council – Consultant for South America “Exports’  insights: the international overview”

Ερωτήσεις – Απαντήσεις


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